Introduction & Excavation

Hi Everyone,

Tom and I are in the process of building a house which I am sure many of you already know! :) I am currently obsessed with it so I thought I would write a blog to share our journey.

We bought land in Kellyville Ridge 2155 back in August 09. We are first home buyers and were enticed by the governments $24,000. We had been looking at established homes for almost 12 months put apparently I was too picky! :) Buying land and building seemed like a good idea and it was cheaper.

It has taken what feels like forever to get to where to are now but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. :)

We are building the Concerto Alfresco Home Theatre, with Allworth Homes. Although a little slow they have been great. (They are building sooo many homes at the moment.) We have had many I mean many forms to sign, decisions to make and colours to choose. We have even decided things amicably!

We were originally told registration on the land was going to be November 09, however this didn't occur until the beginning of February. :( While waiting for this to happen our plans went to council. We then had to wait again for the water board to do something not sure what, then we waited to sign contracts and then we waited for the bank! One big waiting game! :)

After we had final approval from the bank we then had to wait for them to give Allworth our approval to commence construction. Once Allworth received this they said they would start building in 20 working days. :)

10 days into the 20 day time frame I did my usual drive bys. (apparently I went too often, as I didn’t need to look at a block of dirt every day!) I enjoyed seeing what was happening with the houses around us. Anyway that Friday (30th April) I drove into our street and voila! They had excavated our land and next door and a huge pile of our dirt on their land! (Sorry!) We had not been told when construction was starting so it was a huge surprise! I was sooo exciting! I told Tom one day I would drive down our street and they would of started, sure enough they had!

That was Friday. 6pm that night we got a phone call telling us that they excavated our land and that they were digging the piers on Monday and that we needed someone there Monday at 11am to measure them. Tom and I both couldn't leave work so lovely dad went and measured the holes with the 'guy'. (Thanks daddy! xo)

Monday afternoon mum, dad, Tom and I went to 'the block' and checked it out! They had put the concrete in the piers and the outline of the house was up. I know could visualise things better! It was looking like the formations of our house! :)

Today (Tuesday) they had put up a fence around the land and put the plumbing in. I believe the next step is to lay reinforcement mesh and to then lay the slab. :) (That’s when we start paying... damn you interest rates!)

It is very exciting! Lucky for my petrol tank that 'the block' is on my way home from work so I can see it everyday if I want to! :) We are both very thankful that it has finally started and are looking forward to watching it progress.

If you're still reading my spiel - Thanks! :) I will be updating the blog as things progress. (Every few days) I will add photos of what has happened so far and some of the things and colours we have chosen. :)

Thanks for reading!
Cheers Mel xo


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