Handover on TUESDAY!!!

All going to plan with the Bank we are due to have handover on Tuesday!! :) Woo hooo!!! It's so exciting! Tom got a call today from our site supervisor who informed us of this and made our day! :) The last of the carpet was laid today, tiles all cleaned and the driveway alfersco washed and made to look heaps better! :) Oh and when we were there this afternoon a man came and took away our Portaloo! Bye bye Loo! :)

Very exciting times for us! :) YAY!


  1. WOW Congratulations guys!! I am so jealous lol!!
    The house is looking so great xxoo

  2. Did Allworth do the driveway for you? We're also building the Concerto with them (http://glenmorepark-ridgetop.blogspot.com) but apparently they wouldnt allow us to engage any other tradesmen (like the driveway people) until after handover.

  3. Congrats on the handover! Love reading about other people's experiences! My partner and I are looking into building an Eden Brae home. I'm writing a blog myself - http://strawsticksandbricks.blogspot.com/ But its more about design at the moment than anything else. Its fun though. Good luck with your home! Love advice

  4. Many many congratulation for got handover of new home. You must be felt happy at that time.
    vob editor


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